Monday, July 23, 2007

Mommy 2: Mommy's Revenge

The second crappiest thing about not being independently wealthy is the fact that both Diana and I have to work to keep us in the lifestyle to which we’ve become accustomed. Somebody has to pay for all of my x-box games and cycling trinkets.

The first crappiest thing? The fact that I can’t afford a hot air balloon that says, “Rick is awesome.”

Well, Diana has to work now which means we had to find childcare. Ain’t nobody gonna replace Diana. And my cloning machine (Diana hair + salsa + microwave) didn’t work.

Enter Pam. Pam is my twin brother Steve’s wife. She agreed to come by and take over Eli duty 3 days a week. She’s very nice and is very good with Eli. In other words, she has lots of patience. The first night she watched Eli? He screamed bloody murder for 2 hours straight. What did Pam say? “Oh, he was fine.” I would’ve been curled up in a ball under his crib.

She also gets pizza and beer for me and Steve every Friday night.

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