Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Phone Home

I raced out of a meeting this afternoon to video chat the family.  It was bedtime yesterday.  Or tomorrow.  Or in an alternate dimension.  Nevertheless, I managed to catch them.

The video chat crackled to life and my speakers were immediately blown out by the shrieks from the other end.  Luca and Elijah began jockeying for position on Diana’s lap to get a better view.  Luca, wanted a better view of me.  Elijah, wanted a better view of himself in the preview window.  Glass houses, though.  I spent most of my time watching myself in that box as well.

I shouted over them to ask how everyone was doing.  Luca and Eli began shoving and Luca burst into tears.  I talked directly to him, saying he was okay and I missed him very much.  Through his tears he moaned that me missed me too. 

Trying not to cry myself, I asked how school was going.  They responded by saying their Halloween costumes had arrived.  Both boys left the screen to fetch their costumes and I was able to have 33 whole seconds to ask Diana how she was.

She was fi___ .  The boys interrupted her and showed me a great Star Wars mask and an equally great Power Rangers thing.

I decided not to mention the fact I’d be gone for this year’s Halloween.  I instead took great delight in watching Diana as she tried to convince Luca not to stuff his costume in our file cabinet.

“No Luca.  Don’t.  Not the file cabinet. It wont fit in there.  Oh.  Yes it will.”

A fluffy black bear walked by, but Grover didn’t seem to hear me.  Dog ears must not be able to accept a voice from the future.

With sad eyes, Diana said they had to go to sleep.  I could also read in her eyes that she was about to crack open a bottle of wine and try her hardest not to be mad that I was sitting in a luxury biding my time until I went out to a fancy dinner.

Man, I miss those guys and gal.

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