Sunday, December 30, 2018

Bros Nest Is Back On The Air (Eventually)

During our daily vacation siesta, Diana and I sleep off our lunchtime margaritas while Elijah and Luca watch their favorite YouTube stars. Sometimes I crawl into bed with Luca and get a second hand dose of his favorites, which include a genre of I like to call “Bros Doing Stupid Things.”

Sometimes bearded, always wearing hats backwards, the Bros Doing Stupid Things sometimes eat gross/hot food, scare each other, hurt each other, win useless Guinness World Records and say “Bro.” A lot. At first, I hated them with a fiery hot anger of someone who doesn’t have fun at his job. But I soon learned to love those 20-something millionaires.

This morning after breakfast, I was inspired.

“Guys. Let’s re-start your YouTube channel. But instead of posting nothing, let’s do challenges like the Bros Doing Stupid Things.”

Years ago, the boys started a YouTube channel called “Bros Nest.” They didn’t really post much because their dad didn’t encourage their creativity. But now their dad would! At least for a little while.

First, we needed a challenge. The pool at the hotel has two levels, separated by a little waterfall with many, many gringo warnings. We decided I would throw a football from the upper level to the lower, and the Bros would leap from a little ledge and catch it before splashing into the pool. Easy Peasy. We also planned on giving our hotel credit for the whole thing, you know, as branded advertising. We’re no dummies.

Next, we needed a video camera. We decided to use Diana’s phone because she was relaxing and wouldn’t notice if it was stolen.

Third, execute, Bros Doing Stupid Things, style.

I tossed while Eli filmed. Luca missed the first 400 throws. No problem. That’s what editing is for. I started to feel a little click in my shoulder, so we switched cinematographers. Luca opted for a much higher angle to add drama to the success.

After the next 300 misses, a pain started shooting up and down my arm. Plus, storm clouds approached from the west. I kept saying into the camera, “This next one is gonna be it, guys.” And then I would accidentally bean some little kid in the head.

We decided to save our strength and finish our successful Bros Nest challenge tomorrow and went to have margaritas and chips y guac.

Bros Nest!

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